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Dial it up....and be Heard

Most of us learned modesty as children. I remember Momma telling me "you don't have to be loud to be seen or heard". Let who you are be the volunm of your accomplishment. I love my momma and I did what I was told as a child but I'm a long way from being a child now and EVERYTHING has changed since then.

There is so much "noise" in the world now. Being HEARD is much harder. In 2016, you need to dial it up to be heard above the noise. Don't just toot your own horn....blow the hell out of it! After all its your horn....if you don't blow it, who will?

When I began my corporate career, I was modest. Momma raised me right. I waited until my supervisors, managers, etc. acknowledged my extra efforts and achievements. I waited a loooooooog time sometimes and while I waited, others who were "brash" and "loud" received the recognition I wanted and deserved. I received the after thought "Thanks" and sometimes I didn't receive that! I finally realized that waiting for others to acknowledge me may have been right for family and friends but in business and career, you need to promote yourself. TOOOOT!! TOOOOT!!

Build the ladder then climb it.

It was the 80's and 90's when I was building my career. Corporations had recently decided if employees wanted to move up in the company they would need to build their own ladder (career path) and move from position to position themselves to move up (climb it). Corporations would no longer create career paths for upward mobility. For folks like me, this was disaster. I had no idea how to build a career path. No clue how to move up but I'd been at entry level long enough to know that I didn't want to stay there any longer. Sometimes what you don't want is the driving force behind finding what's available so you can figure out what you do want.

"When you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there."

While I didn't know what TO do. I knew that doing more of the same was not going to help me. I had to DO something different.

Take note: I had a thought, I made a decision and I committed to take an action. This is the fundamental key to making a business, career and in your life direction. Change your thoughts to change your life, then take action to make progress.

I applied for the next open position that I thought I might be able to do. Yep, I had an immediate learning curve when I started the new position. That's right....I GOT the job! barely qualified but I got the job. Momma always said, "Nothing beats a failure but a TRY"... you gotta try.

Since waiting for someone else to speak up on my behalf didn't work, I DECIDED to speak to my own accomplishments. I spoke about my value to the department and company based on my skills because I KNEW my skills. I still hadn't learned about my non skills value but I went from not being heard at all to Dialing it up and being heard loud and clear!

What I learned

Everything stays the same until YOU make a change. Waiting for someone else to make your job, career, relationship or your life different will be a long wait that may not EVER result in something better. If you want have to go get it and you don't have to have every step in the path figured out to take the first one. You gotta try...and keep trying until you find and get what you DO want. Trust your ability to manage whatever comes after the step you take even if you don't know what it is. Have faith in your faith. God is always with you. I learned years ago to "pray WHILE you're moving your feet". Take a step while you're praying for wisdom, guidance, vision and opportunity. As long as GOD is at least one step in front of'll never miss a step.

Today, I write my own press releases, marketing materials and introductions as a speaker. I want folks to know who I am and what value I have to offer. I don't wait for anyone else to promote me....I promote myself cause this is 2016 and I want to be heard. TOOOOT!! TOOOOT!!


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