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Get it and Keep it

There are 5 areas that most people will tell you they are living within. Change- negative or positive, Starting again, Learning more about themselves, Enjoying their Life and enjoying the ability to Help Others and we transition between them throughout our lives. As a result, we’re all in some type of transition all the time.

What makes your transition different from someone else’s transition or a previous transition is the attitude you have as you more through it.

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.


determines what you do.

Attitude determines how well you do it”

Lou Holtz

What do you want?

[endif]--Everybody wants something…to live a more quality life, have more money, enjoy life more, create something you can call your own, stop existing and start living. We all want something. During our transitions, we are either in pursuit, waiting for a catalyst or opportunity or wishing for what we want. Getting what you want requires effort. Very rarely do we get what we want without an effort. We want to life in doors so we work… it maybe a crappy job but it allows us to life in doors. Working is the effort, it’s the ability we apply to get what we want. Attitude determines how much you enjoy what you get. Skills are what you learn and use to get what you want.

It be very frustrating to want but not be sure what it is

you want to have.

You need to KNOW what it is you want to find the right ability to get it.

With the right skill, you can work toward getting what you want but life has an annoying way of creating more want as you pursue the want you’re working toward. If you’re a “shiny penny” person, like me, you can easily get #DISTRACTED by the new things that attract and draw your attention from what you #DECIDED you wanted. It takes motivation to stay in pursuit of the thing you began to seek when you started working toward it. Motivation is a Key Factor when procrastination, financial changes, employment changes and family changes come into your life. Motivation fuels your #PERSISTENCE to continue to work toward what you want and not give up. Without motivation and persistence, what you want may not be achieved. You may become a starter but never a finisher.

[endif]--Keep your value High

There is a difference between getting what you want and having what you want. Getting what you want means you need to find the money, time or make the effort to reach out and get it. Having what you want means maintaining it once you’ve obtained it. If you work very hard and buy a luxury car, you still need to have the oil changed, buy tires and keep is washed and waxed to protect the paint. It can be exhausting to maintain the thing you worked so hard to get. Whatever it takes to maintain your want must be worth the effort to get it and it’s that diligence that Is the difference between attitude and altitude. Your ability and motivation will help you GET what you want but its’ your attitude, how you handle what you have, that determines if you can KEEP what you’re worked to obtain.

Attitude and Altitude

Your attitude has an inverse effect on your altitude. As your negative attitude increases, your ability to obtain and keep what you got decreases. You repel the positive in your life.

An attitude of gratitude is a positive attitude that allows you to be both a generator and a receiver of positive experiences. It is evidence that you KNOW your value and that you are blessed. It allows you to receive the generosity, love and respect from others and be generous in giving to others.

If you’re serious about having or finding what you want and pursuing it, you need to know YOU better. What do you already know, have or do that will make your life better, more enjoyable? What opportunities are standing right in from of you but without knowing what you want, you don’t even recognize them? What could you do to reduce your weaknesses and see more clearly any challenges that are headed your way? Do you know YOU well enough to BE the BEST you possible? Years ago, I #DECIDED who I wanted to be and by doing so I found the ability to obtain the things I want to have. I learned the ability I needed, stayed motivated to get it and kept an attitude of gratitude as my maintenance. Today I am who I want to be with what I want to have through all the transitions in my life…big and small.

May you find the path to your dreams!

Pamela |


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